The Networking Night offers you the opportunity to hold informal discussions in an exclusive atmosphere. An excellent opportunity to expand your business relationships. You can meet decision-makers from companies and local authorities directly here!
Networking Night: 2. April
Click here to book your ticket.
Note: The parking garage of the trade fair (P4) is no longer accessible after the Networking Night. People who want to go to the Networking Night by car will no longer be able to get into the trade fair parking garage. We therefore strongly recommend that you use our shuttle buses.
FREDENHAGEN | spaces mgt GmbH, Sprendlinger Landstraße 193-195, 63069 Offenbach am Main
Start: 19:00h
End: 00:30h
Outward journey: Messe-> Fredenhagen
Shuttle buses will run from Hall 3 from 18:00 – 20:00h every 30 minutes (depending on traffic conditions)
Last outward journey at 20:00h
Return journey: Fredenhagen-> Messe
Shuttle buses run every 30 minutes from 22:00 – 01:00h.
Last return journey at 01:00h